Remembering the Ladies

Just wanted to alert people to a post on another blog — The CockleBur — about the difficulty, and the importance, of uncovering the role that women played in the history of the American Revolution and the Early Republic.

Full disclosure: the blog post contains a favorable mention of my novel, A More Obedient Wife — and it was written by someone I know, Palma Strand. (Fuller disclosure: I hadn’t spoken to Palma in years, but she emailed me out of the blue some weeks ago to tell me her book club was reading my book — how she came across it I’m still not sure!) But the post also discusses other female historical figures and the late sociologist Elise Boulding, who coined the phrase “the underside of history” to describe the general absence of women from the historical record. I highly recommend it — along with Palma’s other posts, especially one called “Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Godliness?”